The RMS PTSA has many opportunities throughout the year for every person to volunteer. There is a role available for every interest, skill set and schedule! The Redmond Middle PTSA thanks you for your time and dedication! Email questions or if you're interested in volunteering.
Apply to be a LWSD Approved Volunteer
To volunteer in the school in any capacity, you must be first be an approved LWSD volunteer. Fill out the form above. Once approved, your status is valid for 2 years.
View / Sign Up for Volunteer Roles (account sign-in required)
Review some our volunteer positions below (listed alphabetically). The roles may change year to year. To see or to sign up for up-to-date positions, click on the link above.
Current volunteers and club chairs must submit a Committee Plan of Action (CPOA) in order to get your program or plan approved by the board and start spending money. Your plan will be voted on at the next board meeting. You are encouraged to attend the meeting to present your CPOA to the board members. The enrichment VP may also do this for you. See the schedule of meetings HERE
Get Reimbursed
Current volunteers and club chairs can be reimbursed for their purchases by filling the "RMSPTSACheckRequestForm_Fillable" form in the "Administrative- Shared" folder. Signed and filled out. E-mail it to and copy the Board member overseeing your committee on the e-mail. If you do not have an approved CPOA, then you need to first have it signed by the Boad Member that oversees your committee before you submit it to the treasurer
Listing of Some of Our Volunteer Positions
Position | Description |
Executive board - President | The RMS PTSA President position can be held by up to two people. Are you driven and enthusiastic about making our school a better place for our children? Well, that's all you need to be President! The rest can be learned, and PTSA has tons of training and resources available to help you every step of the way. |
Executive board - Secretary | The job of secretary is to take meeting minutes, send out agendas, and open the bank statements. Attend monthly board and quarterly General Membership meetings. Approximate commitment per month = 3-4 hours. This is a rewarding way to keep in touch with your child's school! |
Executive board - Treasurer | Maintain PTSA budget and records throughout the year. Follow policies and provide monthly financial reports. Work with president to recruit and appoint financial committees for budget, mid year and end of year audits. Attend monthly Board meetings and quarterly General Membership meetings. Training available through Council and outgoing Treasurer. |
Executive board - Vice President - Communications | Establish division of duties of communication - social media, website and Bear Tracks newsletter. Develop membership surveys. Attend monthly Board meetings and quarterly general membership meetings. |
Executive board - Vice President - Enrichment | Assist clubs, Reflections, online enrichment, Green Team and drama/musical producers. Attend monthly Board meetings and quarterly general membership meetings. |
Executive board - Vice President - FACE | Plan and implement Family And Community Engagement (FACE) programs. Work with parent education chair and cultural ambassadors. Support International Night committee, Special Needs, Advocacy, Community night/services and Career Expo. Attend monthly Board meetings and quarterly general membership meetings. |
Executive board - Vice President - Fundraising | Help RMS PTSA raise funds to support our students. Co-ordinate corporate matching & donations. Source local businesses for new & fun opportunities. Thank donors. Attend monthly board & quarterly general meetings. |
Executive board - Vice President - Volunteers | Coordinate with Administrators/ASB/Chairs to establish volunteer needs; proactively create Signup Genius, post in Bear Tracks. Manage 2 hour pledge volunteers. Partner with Awards Chairperson (April) to start nomination process for Golden Acorn, Outstanding Educator and Golden Grizzlies. Recognize volunteers and Support Hospitality, Attend the monthly PTSA board and quarterly General Membership meetings. August/September and May/June are busiest months. Average 3-4 hours per month. |
8th Grade Celebration | Help school administrators plan, organize and chaperone the 8th grade celebration! |
Advocacy - Legislative Assembly Delegate | Join the RMS PTSA team in the Seattle area (October) for the Legislative Assembly. Carpool with the group or drive alone, we have your registration and accommodations covered (per budget allowance). Virtual option may be available. Contact the Advocacy Chair more information. |
Advocacy Chair | Advocacy is a vital part of PTSA, as it is the voting from local PTSAs that determines which issues our state and national PTA focuses on - and their influence is significant. This is a way you can directly influence legislation and government handling of current problems facing our students, teachers and community. Attend two events per school year (Oct. & Feb.), in the Seattle area and pass along monthly updates to our community through PTSA newsletters and social media. |
Bear Tracks e-Newsletter Editor | Use EmailOctopus to edit our Sunday afternoon e-newsletters! Most of the articles are already written, so plugging them in and scheduling the newsletter takes about a half hour a week during the regular school year (maybe every other week instead of weekly). This is a great way to get the inside scoop on all activities run at RMS (and you see them before everyone else! First dibs!) |
Budget - Mid-Year Financial Review Committee | PTSA requires that three or more members review our financial documents. This is done to provide transparency in our organization and to identify areas of improvement in our accounting practices. No accounting experience needed. Time commitment is 2+ hours in February, at a date/time set by members of the committee. |
Budget - Year-End Financial Review Committee | PTSA requires that three or more members review our financial documents. This is done to provide transparency in our organization and to identify areas of improvement in our accounting practices. No accounting experience needed. Time commitment is 2+ hours in July, at a date/time set by members of the committee. |
Budget Committee Member | Assist RMS PTSA with annual budget planning typically in March/April. Minimum 1 PTSA member to work with treasurer and president. |
Community Support - Pantry Packs | Work in partnership with RMS staff counselors. Form a committee, assign drivers for picking up and sorting food for RMS families. |
Cultural Ambassador | Welcome, guide and partner with families new to the area/school. Provide insight/guidance to RMS PTSA to better our communication/bridge gaps. Attend school events and participate in programs. Translate. Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Finnish, Hebrew are just a few... |
Drama Chair / Producer | The Redmond Middle School PTSA Drama program is open to RMS students in grades 6-8. It's preferred to have 2 parent producers who will collect tuition and raise funds, so they can hire a company to help them put on a show. |
6th Grade Musical | 6th Grade Musical - If this is fully supported with parent volunteers as Director and Producer, and student demand is high, the board may consider pursuing a committee to implement a 6th grade musical. If not, interested parties will be added to the general, all-grades musical committee (See Drama Chair/Producer). |
Emergency Preparation | This committee ensures supplies are organized and available to support the school administration's emergency plan. Includes optional participation with LWSD PTSA Council Emergency Preparedness group. |
Emergency Preparation Chair | This committee ensures supplies are organized and available to support the school administration's emergency plan. Includes optional participation with LWSD PTSA Council Emergency Preparedness group. |
Facebook Chair | Reach a broader audience -- communicate the great things our Grizzlies are doing! Programs, events, awards, tips, resources to name a few! Manage the RMS PTSA Facebook account. |
Field Day | Collaborate with Administrators and Field Day Chair to provide a memorable and active field day! |
Field Day Chair | Coordinate with the administration and VP Volunteers to support field day at Redmond Middle School in June. |
Grants Committee | Review and present staff grant requests to the board. |
Green Team Chair | While all Green Team activities are kid-powered, we need parent volunteers to share in the fun. There is no experience necessary, just a desire to work with kids and build a more sustainable school environment. |
Griz Biz - laptop distribution | Help the school with checking laptops out to students. Training is provided. There are two shifts for the day (8-10 parents are needed at each shift). See Bear Tracks for additional information. |
Griz Biz - packet assembly | This is the first work party of the year and YOU are invited! Catch up with friends on summer happenings, meet new people, and get the scoop on school before everyone else, all while helping the school get ready for Griz Biz Days! Assemble/staple student packets. |
Hand out schedules | Hand out schedules to 6th Grade students - dates/times TBA |
Hearing and Vision Screening | Help school staff conduct hearing screening and/or lead students to screening. You will be trained at the start of the day. Plan on helping between 8-2pm (goal is two hour shifts). Full day volunteers are provided lunch. |
Hospitality Chair | Help PTSA be a good host by taking care of refreshments for volunteers during a number of PTSA and school events, and supporting other PTSA chairs with their hospitality needs. You do not need to donate the food, PTSA takes care of the bills. You don't need to do it all, either! You can coordinate other volunteers and have a merry team. Events include: Coffee with the Principal, Curriculum Night, Schedule Handout, Laptop roll out/in, Health Screening and PTSA General Meetings. |
Instagram Chair | Reach a broader audience -- communicate the great things our Grizzlies are doing! Programs, events, awards, tips, resources to name a few! Manage the RMS PTSA Instagram account. |
International Night Chair | Coordinate hosting duties for International Night in the spring. International Night is a celebration of the many cultures that make up Redmond Middle School and its community. Students & families coordinate displays, performances & share delicious food with one another at a fun-filled event in March. |
International Night committee | Coordinate hosting duties for International Night in the spring. International Night is a celebration of the many cultures that make up Redmond Middle School and its community. Students & families coordinate displays, performances & share delicious food with one another at a fun-filled event in March. |
Library Chair | Be the point person to solicit volunteers with VP Volunteers. Collaborate with librarian for schedule/shifts - return books to shelves, check out books, other |
Library Volunteer | Collaborate with librarian for schedule/shifts - return books to shelves, check out books, other |
Math Club | Coordinate volunteer chaperones and students for RMS PTSA Math Club. This club is for students who want to participate in various competitions throughout the year. Objective of the program is to inculcate your child’s interest in math and guide them and coordinate to activities to participate in various math competitions. It all 'adds up' to FUN! |
Executive board - Membership Director | Next year's membership director is appointed by the incoming Executive Committee in July. Attend monthly Board meetings and quarterly General Membership meetings. Typically the membership committee duties are greatest in August and the first few months of school. |
Membership Committee | Join the membership committee and learn about what it takes to run membership at the middle school level. Next year's membership chair is appointed by the incoming Executive Committee in July. Typically the membership committee duties are greatest in August and November. |
Nominating Committee | The Nominating Committee is in charge of identifying and recruiting candidates for the incoming PTSA Executive Committee. After doing due diligence, in the spring this committee submits a report with their candidates for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, for the general membership approval. This is a relatively simple, but very important task. Training and resources available. For more information, contact |
Parent Education Chair | Work with VP FACE to plan and implement opportunities for families to learn more on various topics related to children/community... mental health, anxiety, adulting 101, etc |
Picture day / Retake day | Lead students to the gym, provide crowd control, help students fill out their forms, and help them get their completed cards. Two separate days for each - 1. picture day 8-2pm 2. Retake day 8-12pm. Two hour shifts will be provided, full day volunteers will be provided lunch. |
Reflections Chair | The Reflections chair promotes the event, collects students' submissions, recruits judges to determine which works of art will pass to the Council level, organizes an event to display artwork, & submits winners to PTSA Council. PTSA offers training and resources available to guide you every step of the way. For more info, contact |
School of Excellence Committee | Work with the VP Family and Community Engagement to fulfill our Roadmap to Excellence for the new school year. You don't have to be a PTSA member or even have a child at the school to help out. This opportunity is open to everyone! |
Science Club Chair | RMS PTSA Science Club provides students an opportunity to enhance their skills in science through practical projects, theoretical study and guides them to compete in several science competitions throughout the school year. Organize parents/students. |
Service Awards Committee | Publish the announcement for award nomination submissions in the spring. Receive applications and rank them according to provided rubric. Determine the awardees. Purchase appropriate recognition items. Provide list of winners to the school and PTSA board for promotion. Update nameplates for plaques. |
Special Needs Chair | This group connects parents in the Lake Washington School District who have children with disabilities. It is comprised of parents whose children receive special services (IEPs) and accommodations (504s). Interested staff and students are also welcome. Your role is to share the information and resources shared in monthly LWSD meetings (except for December and June). |
Spelling Bee Chair | The Spelling Bee is a test of word spellings and their meanings. It is a great way for students to expand their vocabulary, expose themselves to new concepts and learn how to stand up in front of peers and compete in a friendly way. The Bee is open to all students of Redmond Middle School. Organize parent volunteers and students. |
Staff Appreciation Chair | Coordinate Staff Appreciation days throughout the year with a special focus week in May. |
Executive board - Staff Support Director | Support Staff Appreciation committee, Library helpers, E-Prep, Health screenings, student pictures and Griz Biz teams. |
Student Directory Editor | Review, edit and publish student directory. Online directory is default with purchase of PTSA membership, printed copies will be charged a nominal fee. |
Student Recognition Chair | Partner with Administrators and ASB to recognize students for demonstrating the Grizzly Way -- this could mean you purchase (with preapproved PTSA funds*) 1000 granola bars in September 1000, Otter pops in November or 1000 bags of goldfish during SBA testing. * Keep your receipts for PTSA reimbursement* |
Twitter Chair | Reach a broader audience -- communicate the great things our Grizzlies are doing! Programs, events, awards, tips, resources to name a few! Manage the RMS PTSA Twitter account. |
Website Chair | Work with the current Website Chair to learn the nuts and bolts of updating the PTSA website so you can be successful next year as the chair. |